Articles | Cases

OSHA watch

OSHA issues cranes and derricks guidance

Washington – OSHA has issued a guidance document to help small businesses comply with the recently promulgated cranes and derricks standard for construction.

OSHA sends 10,000 letters to grain handling facilities on protecting workers from engulfment hazards in grain bins

OSHA Assistant Secretary David Michaels recently sent more than 10,000 letters to grain handling facilities reminding them of their responsibility to comply with the Grain Handling Facility standard. These letters were sent in response to a dramatic increase in the number of workers engulfed and suffocated in grain bins.

NAHB provides guidance on changes in OSHA's fall protection requirements

NAHB has created a new guidance document to help association members understand the key changes to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's residential construction fall protection directive.

Starting on June 16, those engaged in residential construction need to follow 29 CFR 1926 Subpart M Fall Protection Regulations.

Recent fines