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HR Tip: Workplace trends in 2017: Performance Management tops the list

The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) asked its members - who study workplace issues of critical relevance to business, like talent management, coaching, training, organizational development, and work-life balance - about their predictions for 2017. Topping the list of top ten is the changing nature of performance management.

While much has been written about companies ending annual performance reviews and ratings, it's unclear what will take its place. The group predicts, "Organizations can expect to rely less on once-a-year performance appraisals and more on frequent feedback and coaching to put the focus on improving performance. Strategies, such as continuous performance management, will lead to a greater emphasis on real-time feedback, daily manager-employee relationships and an increased need for managers to acquire the skills to coach and deliver timely feedback to employees."

For the Top 10 Workplace Trends for 2017