EHS Today, a magazine dedicated to the management of risk in the workplace and environment, has recognized America's Safest Companies since 2002. Most of the companies are large or mid-sized, but this year's list included Hunter Site Services of Texas that has 40 employees. Providing construction project management for the design and installation of pre-fabricated blast-resistant buildings, Hunter has a 5+ years injury-free record.
Recognizing that new employees are often the ones who experience injuries, the company instituted the Short Service Employee (SSE) Program, which applies to employees who have less than 90 days with the company and/or within his or her craft. The new employees receive an initial orientation of safety requirements prior to performing work under direct supervision of a designated employee who serves as a mentor and trainer. The new employees also wear a visual designation, so that they easily can be identified on a job site.
According to EHS Today, the company also offers: