How to use Workers’
Comp to improve the bottom line
Tough times and leaner budgets mean employers are under constant pressure
to improve their bottom line. Many employers view Workers’ Comp as
a necessary and uncontrollable expense; yet, it is a controllable aspect
of business that, if managed properly, will have a measurable and positive
ROI that improves the bottom line.
In this issue’s case study, a general contractor saved over $245,000
in four years and now has a low Experienced Modification Factor (MOD) and
excellent safety record after implementing a comprehensive injury management
program. For years employees experienced one or two falls a year, resulting
in an escalating MOD. The contractor viewed this as an inevitable cost of
doing business. After all, construction workers are particularly at risk
for serious falls. The radical reduction in the number and size of claims
clearly demonstrates the fallacy of this reasoning.
The resulting low MOD not only lowers his costs, but it enables the contractor
to bid on more jobs and be more competitive. Within the company, Workers’
Compensation is no longer an isolated expense, but a core business practice.
Injury management is an integral part of the contractor’s culture
and works to improve the overall business.
As CertifiedWorkComp Advisors (CWCA), we recognize that insurance companies
do not pay for employee injuries, they merely finance them. You, the employer,
pay the cost and often this is two or three times the cost of the claim.
Our mission is to help you to manage and control your injury costs, so that
your Workers’ Compensation costs are always under control.
It’s important to understand that this is not a “quick fix”
– it’s a continuous process that requires rigorous, consistent
implementation. There is no magic bullet – safety comes from the top
down and bottom up – it must permeate every level of the organization
through employee involvement, accountability and management commitment.
Managed properly it will produce results. The average client in one group
of CWCAs that works with almost 200 businesses sees a 78% reduction in accident
frequency in two years and almost a 50% reduction in their first year of
the program.
The following chart shows the key processes that have been proven to drive
down your costs by identifying and managing risks: