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The ABC’s of Premium Audit
Premium audits are often taken as routine, a requirement of Workers’ Compensation
insurance. However, this approach can be costly. Chris Boggs, the Institute
of WorkComp Professionals’ Director of Curriculum and Research Analyst,
offers the following guidelines that should be applied to every audit:
- Always be there. A representative of the company familiar with both the
operations of the company and the financial records should be present at
every audit. The auditor will likely have questions and unless someone
is there to answer them and explain the financial documents, the auditor
may make some potentially costly assumption and/or mistakes. This duty
should not be delegated to any member of the staff not intimately familiar
with the business and its finances.
- Be prepared. The auditor will need
all the necessary financial records to conduct the audit and will likely
ask for a tour of the facility. Prepare a place for the auditor to work
and help them complete their job as quickly as possible. Here is the
data that you’ll need:
- Payroll records. Payroll journal and summary, 941s, state unemployment
records, an explanation and break out of overtime payments and the general
- Employee records. A detailed description
of job duties, the number of employees, employee hire and fire dates,
and the class code splits, if applicable.
- Cash disbursements. Cost and payments
to subcontractors, costs of materials and the cost of any casual labor
- Certificates of insurance. Make sure
to supply current certificates of insurance covering the entire period
of time the contractor has worked for the insured. If the sub’s policy
renews in the middle of the audit period, a new certificate should be
requested covering the remainder of the insured’s policy period.
- OCIP projects. If the insured has
been part of any wrap-up, the auditor needs this information in order
to remove the payroll from calculation.
- Get a copy of the auditor’s work papers. Don’t let the auditor leave
without getting a copy of the audit work papers. This will allow the
company and the agent to review the audit and confirm that there are
no errors BEFORE the audit is processed and billed (fixing it “after
the fact” is more difficult).
NOTE: Don’t under estimate the possibility of errors. Many audits contain
errors, ranging from misclassification of employees to closed claims being
listed as open.
- Don’t volunteer more information than asked. The
auditor will ask questions; this is expected. Only answer the questions
asked and do not lead the auditor down a path that may prove detrimental.
- Know the rules and the exceptions. Workers’ Comp is complicated. Be
ready to capitalize on exceptions.
-From The Insurance Professional’s Practical Guide to Workers’ Compensation,
by Chris Boggs
Note: As Certified
Work Comp Advisors, we are trained to prepare employers for audits, spot
errors and get them corrected. This helpful flow chart
will help you prepare for and increase the chances of
a favorable audit.
Pre Premium Audit Flowchart