7 Secrets that Cost Your Client a Bundle on their Workers' Comp


7 years, 30 days ago

Dear Pres,

My book is now $1.950,000 revenue. It is the largest in our agency of 120 producers.

I’m writing to tell you and your team how strong a role you all play, not only in my production, but in client satisfaction. I truly could not perform this well without your resources. As you know I take advantage of Kevin’s technical comp skills. He helps me highlight claims issues and find opportunities to look like a rock star.

His work leads to BOR ‘s. (I’m a “BOR only broker”)

Our monthly chats, your ideas that seem to come so quickly after I say something, and your strong & persuasive letters and marketing material, along with the other vast array of Institute assets, help demonstrate our agency difference and add seamlessly to the technical issues to help cement the deal.