Pat Olmert Watkins Insurance
Your ability to help me with my clients audit and helping us suggest a more appropriate code to the carrier was nothing short of “priceless”. In my clients on words, “I don’t make $15,000 a day. You just help me do that”
Since attending the Institute of WorkComp Professionals in fall 2016, I have dramatically increased my commercial production, opened opportunities that were once unapproachable and now lead the office in production for the very first time.
I often referred to insurance as a non-tangible product but the Institute has given me something tangible to sell and give to my clients. Your process of helping our clients “manage their MODs” is a huge door opener and from what I can see so far, opportunities are endless. I can’t thank you enough for your help, the Institute and the enthusiasm you have restored in me for our industry.
If there is anyone hesitant about signing up with the Institute, please do not hesitate to send them my way.
Look forward to discussing another client’s needs soon.