7 Secrets that Cost Your Client a Bundle on their Workers' Comp

CWCAs help Excavating Company dig up answers to reasons for high open reserves

INSURED The insured is a large trucking and excavating company with a fleet of 50 trucks, 90 employees and $10 million in annual revenues. SITUATION The company had large open claims that negatively impacted its Experience Mod. The current agent...

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Better HR helps manufacturer lower Mod

INSURED An ice cream manufacturer with 12 employees and revenues of $2.8 million. SITUATION The company had an Experience Mod of 1.9, which was more than three times what it should be. ASSESSMENT A team of CWCAs reviewed the business....

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Premium increase not set in stone as MOD adjustment returns $150,000 to concrete manufacturer

INSURED This free-cast prestressed concrete manufacturer and contractor has annual revenues of nearly $15 million and employs 60 people. SITUATION The company, which traditionally had an Experience Modification Factor in the .89 to .90 range, saw a rise to 1.2....

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School System Learns a Lesson in How to Reduce its MOD

INSURED A public school system with 150 employees. SITUATION The school system’s Experience Modification Factor escalated over the past five years, from as low as 0.97 to a high of 1.34, though it had experienced no significant workplace injuries during...

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Supervisor training cuts claim frequency and cost

9 years, 5 months ago ,

INSURED The insured is a social service agency with 390 employees in 22 locations.   SITUATION In one six-month period, this insured experienced 27 workers’ compensation claims totaling $89,000.   ASSESSMENT A Certified WorkComp Advisor (CWCA) looked into the situation...

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Educating supervisors cuts manufacturer’s costs by 96%

9 years, 5 months ago ,

INSURED A manufacturing company with 175 employees.   SITUATION The employer’s average annual Workers’ Comp costs were in excess of $80,000 per year. During that same period, the manufacturer averaged 35 claims per year, causing the Experience Mod to rise...

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