What you should know about your Experience Modification Factor
Advisor helps janitorial service sweep away high injury rate
Obese workers cost a whopping $73.1 billion in healthcare, absenteeism and presenteeism
It pays to keep employees fit - Long-term savings in health care and Workers' Compensation costs from Workplace Wellness Program
Fraud trends – National Insurance Crime Bureau
What employees really care about
Corralling runaway medical costs
When it comes to using PPE in the workplace, the "eyes" have it
Telecommuting and Workers' Compensation
Return-to-Work: Accommodations not enough, process is key
Roofers leaving job due to chronic pain
Some alarming facts about costs of claims
High costs of misclassifications
Seven common blunders supervisors can avoid
Workplace violence can put your company at risk
Wellness programs: Employers reassessing financial incentives according to study
OSHA fact sheets on protecting workers in summer heat
Six ways to control the transportation-related Workers’ Comp costs
Pulling the plug on four unnecessary Workers’ Comp costs
Workers’ Comp Misclassification: A small mistake that can cost your company big money
Health Care Reform: Eight strategies for employers
Top reasons (and solutions) employees do not wear PPE
Leadership IQ Study: Why new hires fail
Health Care Reform: Impact on employers
Economic cost of obesity a heavy burden on employers
OSHA on the prowl. Will you be next?
Frequently Asked Questions of the DOL
Productivity losses among depressed workers
Michigan Workers’ Compensation case is a wake-up call for businesses
Supervisors failing with employees
Q & A: independent contractors
Older workers lower indemnity costs
California Employer Messes Up Pre-Hire Physicals and Pays the Price
Employers must post OSHA 300A February 1
What you don’t know CAN hurt you
The Importance of Pre-Employment Screening
Physicians’ practices have profound effect on claims’ costs
OSHA focus on underreported injuries and illnesses
Program designed for “lone workers” such as truckers, improves health
Ten ways to find lost money in Workers’ Compensation loss run reports
OSHA’s top 10 most cited violations
Incentives to keep employees healthy continue to grow
Recent court cases demonstrate the high cost of discrimination by supervisors
Eight Keys to a sucessful post incident investigation
Preventing the Number 1 occupational health problem: Repetitive strain injuries
FMLA, ADA Updates: New FMLA Military Leave Amendment
Important studies: Workplace practices affect employee engagement and health
Seven year-end strategies for Workers' Compensation accounts
New court decisions: Dealing with the obesity epidemic
How to protect yourself from rising medical provider and claimant fraud
Lessons to be learned from costly FMLA and ADA/Inflexible Workers' Comp policy cases
Workers’ Compensation loss run reports: the trail to finding lost money
Helpful tool: Compare and monitor your injury incident rate
An Experience Mod lesson: Why small, frequent claims can be more costly than one severe claim
Controlling the threat of workplace violence
Electronic devices are risky workplace distractions
OSHA launches new National Emphasis Program (NEP) on injury and illness recordkeeping
Case Study: CWCAs help Excavating Company dig up answers to reasons for high open reserves
New SHRM reports highlight trends in employee benefits, job satisfaction
Study finds adults over 55 unaware of meds' effects on driving
The Do's and Don'ts of employment practices and medical information
HR Updates: COBRA, FMLA and ADA
Key findings of annual safety report from Liberty Mutual
How to Keep Occupational Diseases from Affecting Your Workers' Compensation Costs
Know your work environment, know the dangers — and know who you are hiring
Three common recession traps for stressed employers
Health care coverage and Workers’ Compensation leave
Heat stress causes mental fatigue and physical exhaustion
OSHA notifies employers with high injury and illness rates and places more onus on employers
Six keys to managing the Employer-Employee relationship in Workers’ Compensation injuries
Corporate structure can affect Workers' Compensation costs: Why your CPA should talk to your CWCA
EEOC claims and Workers' Compensation
Simplest, least expensive treatment for low back pain may be best
13 tips to shorten claim duration
Understanding Occupational Disease claims after employment ends
Q & A: Permanent partial disability, Subrogation impact on Experience Mod, vacation pay, and ownership requirements for combining Workers' Compensation policies
USL&H amendments - Caution advised
Loss of productivity more costly to employers than health care costs
Workplace wellness programs continue to grow
Keeping employees healthy top workforce issue in 2009
Two keys to reducing costs: prompt reporting and nursing triage
Examining your claim reserves can save money
Q & A: OSHA opinion on horseplay injuries; sports activities
Economic stimulus provisions affect employers
The effects of the economy on workplace safety
Helpful resources related to FMLA and ADA
Study: Improved training and equipment design needed to reduce Lockout/Tagout fatalities
Ten Costly Return-to-Work Mistakes in 2009
Poor health drives trucker injuries
Employers must post OSHA 300A February 1
Getting it right: wellness program checklist
Q & A: Volunteers, Illegal immigrants and Workers’ Compensation
The missing component in post accident analysis
Changes organizations are making to manage economic challenges
Workforce Health and Cost Trends: What to Expect in 2009
Q & A: New FMLA regulations and Workers’ Compensation
2008 ARTICLES | Return to top
How to use Workers’ Comp to improve the bottom line
DOL issues final rule to update FMLA regulations
National trends in Workers’ Comp premiums changing
Q & A: Remuneration issues: overtime, salary adjustments, USERRA
Six safeguards to control Workers’ Compensation costs in a down economy
Three subcontractor traps to avoid
Number of treatments per Workers’ Comp claim continues to rise
Handbook language can lead to unintended FMLA liability
Q & A: Waiting periods, insurance company bankruptcies, negligent third parties
The Startling Truth About Workers' Compensation and Declines in Claim Frequency
Changing employee behavior key to controlling injuries
Ten Commandments for Managing an OSHA visit
Q & A: Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
Important Trends in Workers’ Compensation: Declines in claim frequency slowing
Managed Care caseloads thwart effective management
Keys to managing an aging workforce
DOL Opinion Letter: Missed Meal Breaks, Overtime
Surviving the Tidal Wave of Demographic Pressure
Google’s strategy for building a stellar workforce
Tips on managing a depressed employee
Commercial drivers with serious medical conditions on the road
Q & A: Medical appointments during working hours; lump sum payments
Finding the right Rx for your Workers’ Compensation program
Dealing with alcoholism in the workplace
Court defines standard for pre-employment physicals
OSHA Fact Sheets on Protecting Workers in Summer Heat
Eight costly myths about Workers’ Compensation
Working effectively with the family practitioner
Checklist for partnering with right medical provider
Controlling your risk in wage and hour compliance
Taking the pain out of back injuries
Q & A: Common mistakes employers make under FMLA
Top ten most disabling injuries
Acute back pain and return to work
What to look for in Workers’ Comp in a down economy
Tips on selecting a Wellness Vendor
Four compelling reasons to tighten up hiring practices for temporary or contingent workers
Work At Home/Telework as a Reasonable Accommodation
Lower the costs of claims with effective claims management
Recognizing fatigue: an “invisible epidemic” adversely affecting the bottom line
Five Costly Mistakes Employers Make with Workers’ Compensation Managed Care Organizations
Roles and responsibilities in Workers’ Compensation
Employers – Injured Employees – Medical Providers and Insurance Carriers
Return-to-Work programs: getting started
Checklist: Essential elements of a successful Return-to-Work program
Emergency room wait time on the rise
OSHA PPE rule takes effect February 13, 2008; Employers must comply by May 15
Why safety programs are not enough: A healthier workforce produces substantial financial benefits
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) requires employers to use new Employment EligibilityVerification Form I-9
Giving the right impression to job applicants
Q & A: Obtaining medical information
Industry Corner Cleaning and Maintenance Industry
Working graveyard shift linked to cancer
Managing a multicultural workplace
2007 ARTICLES | Return to top
Wellness programs: What's working
Dealing with employees who do not return to work
Q & A: "Gray" areas of Workers' Compensation
Industry Corner: Construction, Landscaping, Long-term care
Remember the praise - managing the Millennials
Storm clouds on horizon in 2008: calm seas of Workers' Compensation threatened
Q & A: Your Experience Modification Factor
Background checks: essential but tricky
Why costs escalate unexpectedly in low risk Workers' Compensation claims
How to combat escalating Workers' Comp costs after an injury occurs
Sixteen warning signals that your insurance company may have overcharged you on your Workers' Compensation Premium Audit
Preparing for the Premium Audit: A helpful flow chart
Is this position exempt or non-exempt? Government website offers guidance
The Eight Major Mistakes Employers Make When Workers' Compensation Rates Go Down
Retention Aid: Employees Identify Top Factors in Job Satisfaction
Substance Abuse: A Common and Difficult Workplace Problem
Personnel Record Retention Checklist
Six Common Management Actions Improve Quality of Truck Drivers
Study Finds Rest Breaks Minimize Eye Strain and Increase Speed Among Data Entry Workers
Return-to-Work: Do's and Don'ts of Transitional Work Assignments
Q & A: Integrating Workers' Compensation, FMLA, ADA, and COBRA
Home-Based Workers and Workers' Compensation
Employee Health is an Asset: Tips for Motivating Employees to Better Health
Know your exposure to Workers' Compensation claims from different states
12 suggestions to help you avoid hiring a Workers' Compensation claim
Overtime authorization policy for non-exempt employees saves money
A closer look at medical expenses that drive the cost of claims
Workplace culture that discourages drinking gets results
Controlling the summer sick day syndrome
The 'perceived boss' may be the silver bullet in controlling Workers' Compensation costs
Health and wellness programs in the workplace reduce lost time due to hypertension and diabetes
New rules of Electronic Discovery have important implications for employers
Leadership lessons learned from sports
Coordinate FMLA & Workers' Compensation or it will cost you time & money
Independent contractors and Workers' Compensation
How non-union contractors can be more competitive when bidding on Davis-Bacon Act or McNamara-
Retention strategies that work
Healthier employees mean healthier profits...
"Fit and Happy Workplace" brings wellness coaches to the workplace
Reduce Workers’ Compensation Costs With CompScore Metrics...
Institute of WorkComp Professionals has a banner year in reducing Workers' Comp costs for clients
Study finds working "moderate" overtime may not have adverse effects on health and safety
Managing an aging workforce: the impact on Workers' Compensation
From employee to manager: Sound HR practices reduce Workers' Compensation exposures
Buying the assets of a business and/or a change in ownership can affect your Experience Mod
Study shows fatigue in the workplace costs employers $136 billion
Employers must post OSHA 300A in February
10 Tips to improve injury management results and improve your bottom line
2006 ARTICLES | Return to top
A gift that keeps giving: reduced mod
Web-based training for supervisors
Working with the claims adjuster
Q & A: Employers ask about claims
Healthy offices equals better workers
Clients save $186,000: Advisor makes startling Experience Modification factor discoveries
Q&A: Employers Ask about Workers' Comp
Don't go the audit route alone: The typical audit process inherently works to your disadvantage
What employers need to know about the recovery of injured workers
Common questions regarding alternate-duty work assignments
Taking control in a soft market: drive down your Workers' Compensation premiums even further
Costs spiral out of control: True Story: Patient dictates lost time during ER visit
Out of sight, out of mind: What happens to employees when they are out of work?
Four key components of successful Return-to-Work
Common questions about Return-to-Work programs
Taking the creative route to save a contract
When pain keeps injured workers from going back to work
Written policies and procedures for Return-to-Work can improve the bottom line
Is your response to an injured employee costing you money?
Injury management process and preventing “PD”
Most injuries begin at date of hire
Why injury management is essential: What claims really cost employers
Study: Most lost time claims can be avoided
Better communication = Reduced claims costs
How well do you know your medical provider?
Predictive Modeling: a pro-active approach to managing Workers' Compensation costs
Employers win when injuries are reported quickly and monitored regularly
How to avoid the Workers' Comp cost cycle
Hiring smart is easier than managing tough
HR Continuing Education Credits available
Proper care at the right place
Working with the “problem” injured worker
Workplace learning: where are we headed?
Why training line managers Is important
Four keys for training supervisors
2005 ARTICLES | Return to top
Employers, you're paying the bill...Control your Experience Mod or it will control you
How an independent nurse can reduce your costs
If Injuries are down, why are costs up? - Solving the Workers' Compensation Paradox
Back-on-the-Job programs are good business