Advisor helps janitorial service sweep away high injury rate
WC Savings for Log Home Distributor Has Company Barking up the Right Tree
WC Advisors help fence company contain $4500 in savings
Wellness program helps auto parts manufacturer repair claims
Workers’ Comp program saves Non-Profit $600,000
School System Learns a Lesson in How to Reduce its MOD
Correcting misclassification a good sign for outdoor sign company
Error in classification ruling nearly costs auto repair company thousands in higher premiums
Premium increase not set in stone as audit returns $150,000 to concrete manufacturer
Satellite company saves nearly half-million in premiums
Workers’ comp program saves roofing company $100,000
Better HR helps manufacturer Lower MOD
Wholesaler gets down to nuts & bolts with a Return-To-Work program
CWCAs help Excavating Company dig up answers to reasons for high open reserves
Workers' Comp education puts trucking co. on the road to Lower MOD and lower premiums
Nursing Home conglomerate saves $350,000
Comprehensive Workers' Comp program lowers premium by 44%
Grocery Store Chain saves $100k, keeps MOD down
Glass manufacturer avoids loss through Return-To-Work program
CWCAs find reserve error and help bank control Mod
Large Scaffolding Company Embraces Change
Real estate client saves $176,000 and lowers Experience Mod
2008 CASES | Return to top
General contractor enjoys a Workers' Comp drop of $245,302 in just four years
CWCA investigation brings client's Mod to an all-time low
Metal Fabricator Saves $40,000
CWCAs unbundled costs and save contractor $25,000
Demolition company knocks down $36,000 on its annual premium
Audit review leads to client savings of $18,940
Office Furniture Co. Sees Mod Drop 22%
A careful audit helps save oil company $2,000
Experience Mod Audit Lowers Mod 17 Points & Returns $33,150 to Grading Contractor
Implementation of comprehensive Workers’ Comp program helps bus company drive down premiums
Real Estate Developer Builds on $100,000 Savings and Lower Experience Mod
Landscape Contractor Sprouts a $104,000 Refund
2007 CASES | Return to top
Incorrect audits drive up rates for printing company
Private School Learns a Lesson by Seeing Mod Drop 95 Points
Combining Hotels Saves Owner $823,000 and Lowers Experience Mod
Consolidation of multi-state payrolls saves company $283,000 and lowers Experience Mod
Implementation of zero lost time program lowers mod & returns $177,840 to plumbing contractor
Electronics manufacturer saves $85,500 in 3 years
General Contractor's Workers' Comp drops $101,207 in just two years
Supervisor training cuts claim frequency and cost
On-the-Ball injury management lowers reserves and saves $$$
2006 CASES | Return to top
Correct medical diagnosis keeps employer from feeling the pain of a mod increase
Actual case of a worker who left alternative duty without notice: What should the employer do?
Supervisor training helps change injury pattern
Smelting Plant Saves $126K, Sees Mod Drop 30%
Implementation of comprehensive Workers' Comp program saves auto dealer $2 million in first year
Employee injury notification program cuts mod, saves $135K
Review of audit finds mistakes: Incorrect change in classification nets $41K
The Case of the Disappearing Claims
Wausau Glass Company Discovers Value of CWCA
Comprehensive WorkComp Program Cuts Claims Costs
Correction of transposition error leads to seven point drop in mod
2005 CASES | Return to top
Class Audits & Improved Management Cut Care Provider's Mod 44%
Review of Experience Mod saves over $25,000
Conditional offers of employment and pre-employment physicals reduce WorkComp costs
Back-on-the-job programs bring big returns to employers
Local pro teams hit home run by saving $82,657 through agent
Trucking Company On The Right Road by Saving $20,000 in Total Premium